
Musana Carts is an unique idea that can revolutionize vending, allowing for efficiency and sustainability.

— Oscar D. Ankunda, USAID

Our Areas Of Impact

Job Creation

Each Musana Cart employs between 3 and 6 vendors. Musana Carts Ltd is based in Uganda, employing, maintenance technicians, field agents, designers, engineers and managers in Kampala.

Eco Cooking

Every year charcoal smoke inhalation causes over 2 million deaths worldwide. Musana Carts are equipped with an eco stove, reducing smoke emissions and fire hazard for the safety of the vendors and the residents of Kampala, further improving health and well being for themselves and their community

Food Safety

In order to acquire a formal business license, each vendor will be medically cleared and trained to handle food, as well as pass a food safety inspection. Residents of Kampala will for the first time enjoy clean, affordable, food, which is made safely, free of carbon emissions.


Musana Carts allows Kampala vendors to reduce energy costs and to work at night, creating additional working time to sell more products and increase revenues. The street vendors in Kampala will now be able to invest in the livelihoods of their families (e.g. pay school fees more consistently), treat common illnesses more often and save money for emergencies for the first time.

Solar Energy

Musana Carts provide solar energy, allowing vendors to save on charcoal expenses in a safer and more hygienic way. This also offers capability for a fridge and other electronic resources at an affordable price.


Musana Carts deliver a pathway to formalized business through partnerships with the local city council. Vendors previously worked in legal limbo, uncertain whether their daily inventory would be confiscated by local authorities. With legally recognized Musana Carts they are freed from this uncertainty and enter the formal economy.