
We are a team of passionate social entrepreneurs who share key core values which inspire us everyday to keep going

Nataliey Bitature


Daui Bitature

Managing Director

Nida Kamaal

Business Development Manager

Shepherd Natukunda

Marketing Associate

Martha Nuwahereza

Vendor / Finance Manager

Ivan Pondiworth

Field Operations Manager

Core Values

Be Relentlessly Positive

We don't let discouragement shatter our goals and we keep going as we believe in what we are doing.

We are Interdepent

We are responsible for each other success. We believe that when you win, I win.

We do Things Differently

We always innovate, we are never satisfied. We always try to better Musana by listening to our customers feedbacks and anticipating needs.

In Trust we Trust

Trust among our team, trust in our relationship with the vendors, trust between the vendors themselves and trust from the street food consumers.

Keep Customers' Interest at Heart

Everything we do aim to make our customers' life better.


We do what we say. We are open with each other and we don't fear of failing and sharing the learnings among us.